Formal hunt consists of strict, traditional attire that is required only in the USEF Ladies Sidesaddle Hunter division, or in hunt classes that specify "formal attire." It is not appropriate for Junior riders, entry level, or informal showing.

The formal habit must be black or dark blue, with breeches of the same color, and hunt vest of canary, bone or white. The white stock tie is fastened with a horizontal gold stock pin and no other jewelry except small stud earrings visible. Gloves are brown and boots, without tops, must be of plain black calf.

Only members in good standing of a recognized hunt may wear hunt colors on the collar and buttons engraved with a hunt emblem; all others will wear plain dark buttons on habit and brass or bone on vest.


USEF regulations are subject to change; consult the current USEF rule for complete accuracy. (


For more information on formal hunt attire please e-mail us.


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All photographs ©2000   OTBM